2021-02-08 09:28Press release

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent selected for the Berlin Film Festival

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent. Photo by Per Larsson / SF StudiosNelly Rapp – Monster Agent. Photo by Per Larsson / SF Studios

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent directed by Amanda Adolfsson has been selected for the Berlin Film Festival. The film, which recently won two Swedish Guldbagge awards, will compete in the Generation Kplus section.

Nelly and her dog London are about to spend the fall vacation with her uncle Hannibal. It turns out that Hannibal does not live the quiet life she thought – he is a monster agent! Nelly discovers a new world full of monsters, vampires and ghosts and embarks on an adventure where everything she once believed to be true is challenged.

–  I am so happy and proud that the film will be shown at the Berlin Film Festival! I love this festival and appreciate that it also focuses on films for children and teenagers. It will be so exciting to see how the film will be received by young audiences, says director Amanda Adolfsson.

–  We are very proud to once again have a Swedish film in Berlinale Generation! This is yet more proof of the strength of Swedish films made for children and youth. We congratulate Amanda and her team, says Petter Mattsson, Festival Manager at the Swedish Film Institute.

Swedish children’s films have had a strong presence at the Berlin Film Festival, going back to the early 1980’s. Since 2007, when the sections Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus took their present forms, Swedish films have been selected every year.

This is the second time a film by Amanda Adolfsson is at the Berlinale – her short Spending the Night (Myskväll) starring Bill Skarsgård screened in competition in 2008. Recently she has been working as a director on tv series such as Bonus Family (Bonusfamiljen), Eagles and BäckströmNelly Rapp – Monster Agent is Amanda Adolfsson’s second feature film, following her Guldbagge-nominated debut Young Sophie Bell (2015).

At this year’s Guldbagge Awards gala Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent was nominated for five awards and picked up two: Kicki Ilander won for Best Costume Design and Hanna Holm Löfgren, Eva von Bahr and Love Larson for Best Makeup. Moreover, the film’s producer Jon Nohrstedt was presented with the Gullspira Award for his contributions to Swedish children’s film, including his work on Adolfsson’s film.    

Nelly Rapp – Monster Agent was written by Sofie Forsman (based on the book series by Martin Widmark) and produced by Jon Nohrstedt and Niklas Larsson, SF Studios, with support from the Swedish Film Institute, Commissioner Jenny Gilbertsson. The film had its Swedish theatrical premiere in October 2020 via SF Studios. International sales are handled by REinvent Studios.

For further info, please contact Petter Mattsson, Festival Manager: petter.mattsson@sfi.se+46-8-665 11 34.

About The Swedish Film Institute

The Swedish Film Institute is a collective voice for film in Sweden, and a meeting-place for experiences and insights that elevate film on all levels. We preserve and make available Sweden’s film heritage, work to educate children and young people in film and moving images, support the production, distribution and screening of valuable film, and represent Swedish film internationally. A broad diversity of narratives establishes discussions and insights that strengthen the individual and our democracy. Together, we enable more people to create, experience and be enriched by film.


Jan Göransson
Head of Press
Jan Göransson